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Frequently asked questions about the baumbad watering bag
What our English-speaking customers ask us
You can find the instructions for the baumbad watering bags in the section
“Baumwissen”>”Anleitung fuer Bewaesserungsbeutel”
But while you're here, you can also download the instructions directly here.view online here
or simply download:

To fill the baumbad watering bag, please follow the steps below:
1. Place the watering bag around the tree trunk and then close the zip. (Note: one bag is sufficient for trees up to 30 cm in circumference. For larger trees, we recommend using two or more bags).
2. Push the water hose (max. 10 cm diameter) deep into the opening of the watering bag (alternatively: "insert").
3. First fill the watering bag only about 1/6 full (between 10 litres and 18 litres depending on the bag volume) with water and then lift the bag by the black loops (shake it open). This is important to ensure that the bag is in an upright position, as otherwise the water may not be able to drain properly from the bag.
4. Then fill the bag completely.

A tree watering bag is the ideal watering aid for trees. The bag is placed around the trunk like a jacket, closed with a zip and then filled with water. The water escapes slowly and drop by drop through two small openings on the underside of the bag, ensuring a long-lasting watering process. This saves you water, time and money and makes you a #tree saver.

The tree watering bags are designed so that the water drips out very slowly from two openings at the lower folds. The openings are located on the left and right of the bag. If the bag is shaken and installed correctly in accordance with the instructions, it waters the soil beneath it drop by drop. A filling quantity of 75 litres is sufficient for a watering period of 6 to 9 hours, a 100 litre bag is sufficient for 9 to 12 hours. The soil under the watering bag is also protected from the sunlight by the bag and therefore remains moist during the watering process and afterwards. This enables the tree to absorb water over the entire watering period, allowing it to continuously replenish its water reserves. This type of watering is also known as “drip irrigation“ and is explained in detail on our blog page.

The questions and answers (with videos in the national language) are also available in many languages
A drainage time of 6-9 hours (75 litres) and 9-12 hours (100 litres) is ideal for the watering bags. The water is released into the soil for hours via small openings on the underside. This ensures deep watering for hours. If the dripping time is much longer, there is a possibility that the water can evaporate in the soil due to the ambient temperature. This would result in the tree not being supplied with the maximum amount of water that could be reached without loss. The tree irrigation bags are designed so that water drips out of two holes at the lower folds. One on the left and one on the right. The soil under the irrigation bag is also protected from the sun by the bag and remains moist during the irrigation period. The moist soil is ideal for allowing the tree to absorb water and fill its water reservoirs throughout the entire irrigation period and beyond. This principle is also known as “drip irrigation“.

Place the tree bag freely on a pole "next to" the tree, hedge or shrub
Bei manchen Bäumen beginnt die Verästelung bereits in Bodennähe, so dass es nicht möglich ist, den Bewässerungsbeutel gemäss unserer Anleitung am Baum zu befestigen.
In einem solchen Fall gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, den Beutel frei neben dem Baum (aber noch über dem Wurzelgeflecht) aufzustellen.
Für jüngere Bäume bedeutet dies, dass der Beutel möglichst nah am Stamm platziert werden sollte, während man bei älteren Bäumen auch einen gewissen Abstand wählen kann, da sich das unterirdische Wurzelwerk bereits über einen weit grösseren Radius erstreckt.
Der Beutel ist durch sein festes Material und die abgeflachte Unterseite relativ robust und standfest, und benötigt so nur eine kleine Stütze, wie z.B. einen Holzstab, der neben dem Beutel in die Erde gesteckt werden kann. Bitte denke stets daran, dass Du den Bewässerungsbeutel nach einem Drittel (in einer vorherigen Antwort hiess es 1/6) der Befüllung kurz anhebst (gegebenenfalls aufschüttelst), damit sichergestellt wird, dass die Öffnungen frei sind und das Wasser tröpfchenweise ins Erdreich versickern kann. Danach vollständig auffüllen!
Diese Methode eignet sich auch sehr gut für Hecken und Sträucher. Hier platzierst Du den Bewässerungsbeutel möglichst nah an der Hecke (oder dem Strauch), da sich das Wurzelwerk unterirdisch nicht so stark ausbreitet wie bei Bäumen.
Sollte das Aufstellen auch mit der oben beschriebenen Vorgehensweise nicht möglich sein, empfehlen wir die Verwendung des baumbad Premium Gießrings (55 L). Da der Giessring mehr in die Breite geht, lässt er sich in der Regel auch bei sehr wenig Spielraum zwischen Erdreich und Ästen gut installieren.

The watering bags are designed so that water drips out of two openings (left and right) at the lower folds. If these are not positioned correctly when shaking the bag during filling, the water may drain out faster than intended.
Please check the instructions again to see how to shake the bag correctly. You can also watch the individual steps again in our video on how to use and install the baumbad watering bag. => If the water still runs off too quickly after this, please check whether the bag(s) are standing in a hollow or over a cavity. This could lead to the PVC being squeezed and the openings being unintentionally enlarged, which can be corrected by gently tugging or lifting. If necessary, you can also try to change the position of the tree bag so that it stands on a level surface. Please see if this suggested solution helps you. Otherwise, please contact our customer support team or book a free appointment with one of our tree experts. We will help you and find a solution.

Our tree bags are constructed/designed in such a way that water drips out of two openings (left and right) at the bottom folds. If these are not positioned correctly when shaking the bag during filling, the water may drain either slower or faster than intended, so please check the instructions again to see how to shake the bag correctly. You can also watch the individual steps again in our video on how to use and install the baumbad watering bag. => Jump to the "Shake the bag properly" section of the video.
Further suggested solutions if emptying is too slow:
1) Please check whether the PVC is sticking together slightly at the fold or around the openings. If so, try tugging a little to bring everything into the correct position.
2) Is it possible that the bag(s) are in a hollow or above a cavity? If so, please check whether the PVC is blocking the drainage holes in this position. Here too, please ensure that the openings are unblocked by gently tugging. We show you how to do this in the video.
Please see if one of these solutions helps you. If not, please contact our customer support team or book a free appointment with one of our tree experts. We will help you and find a solution.

First things first: Yes, the tree bags can (almost always) be repaired! We have tested various repair methods and developed a free repair kit based on this. We have compiled our experiences and recommendations in a 'repair guide'. You can find these in our tree knowledge blog in the article: "Repairing tree bags - the big comparison "For free patches, simply write us a message. Click here for the contact form.
We ask you not to simply dispose of the irrigation bags, as there is also a recycling programme for damaged bags in addition to repair. In this programme, your bags will be repaired and donated by us, or the bags will be processed into repair kits, which we will make available to you free of charge if you want to repair your bags yourself.

It is not always easy to determine which tree needs how much water. We therefore generally recommend watering a little less rather than too much. To a certain extent, trees are used to seasons with their varying amounts of precipitation. It is an important survival factor for a tree to build up a certain degree of resilience in order to be able to survive drier periods unscathed. Due to the changing climate, however, it is becoming increasingly common for dry periods to last longer, for rain to bring less water or for most of it to simply run off during heavy rainfall, despite large amounts, and thus not be accessible to the tree roots. Our tree bags serve as a watering support to help the trees get through these unnaturally long and unusually dry periods as unscathed as possible.
In many trees, the root system extends over different depths of the soil in order to access any remaining moisture. As soon as water is available, a tree usually begins to store it in its leaves, branches, trunk and roots. This is similar to living organisms. Once these stores have been replenished, trees can survive for a long time without additional water. When a tree's stores have been depleted to below a critical threshold, this can usually be seen first in the leaves, which begin to hang down "powerlessly". If you have the opportunity, this would be a good time to intervene to provide support.
If it remains dry for a longer period of time, it is of course best to support the tree continuously. It makes sense to start with watering every fortnight, even if the probability of rain is still relatively high. If the weather forecasts indicate a longer period of heat or drought, we recommend starting with weekly drip irrigation immediately, and even filling the tree bag twice a week in extreme conditions.

You put our watering bag around the tree like a jacket/garment. This is easy, can be done in a few simple steps and takes very little time. A single baumbad tree bag is designed for watering trees with a circumference of up to 30 cm. For larger trees, it is possible to combine several tree bags. The simple rule of thumb is that one tree bag is sufficient for up to 30 cm of the circumference. This means:
Circumference up to: 30 cm (diameter: 9.6 cm) = 1 tree bag
Circumference up to: 60 cm (diameter: 19.2 cm) = 2 tree bags
Circumference up to: 90 cm (diameter: 28.8 cm) = 3 tree bags
Circumference up to: 120 cm (diameter: 38.4 cm) = 4 tree bags
The baumbad irrigation bags are designed so that they can be easily connected to each other. Below you will find a video in which you can see how this works, please note that with the largest possible tree circumference, the bags may not be filled up to 100%, as the trunk presses against the bag when filling. If this is a problem, it is possible to place the tree bag(s) "freely" next to the desired tree.
“Set up individual bags freely on a pole”
“Place several bags together freely”

It can happen that branches, climbing plants or other objects are located exactly where the watering bag is normally placed around the tree. In such a case, the bag can also be placed "freely" next to the tree to be watered. The tree bag is already quite stable on its own and only needs a little additional support. It is best to use a wooden or bamboo stick or a metal rod, which you stick into the ground next to the bag (if possible without damaging larger tree roots). Now you can attach the tree bag to it in the usual way.
A single watering bag is designed for watering trees with a circumference of up to 30 cm.
Several baumbad watering bags are only required for older trees that have exceeded this circumference. These can be easily combined with each other using the zip fastener solution.

In comparison to trees, which generally have a free, relatively smooth trunk, hedges and shrubs often have branches and ramifications (or even tips and thorns) close to the ground. As a result, it may not be possible to attach the watering bag directly there.
As already described in your previous customer enquiry, in such a case the bag can also be placed "freely" next to the hedge or shrub to be watered. The tree bag is already quite stable on its own and only requires a little additional support. It is best to use a wooden or bamboo stick or a metal rod, which you stick into the ground next to the bag (if possible without damaging larger tree roots). Now you can attach the tree bag to it in the usual way.
If installation is not possible even with the procedure described above, we recommend using the baumbad Premium watering ring (55 litres). As the watering ring is wider, it can usually be installed well even if there is very little space between the soil and branches.

The tree watering bag is largely made of PVC. It has a very simple structure, which contributes to its long life expectancy. The tear- and impact-resistant material is additionally supported by a net-like fibre weave.
The service life is reduced by:
• Improper handling of the bag (please be sure to follow the
• Cleaning agents that are too harsh/corrosive
• Carelessness with points or sharp edges on the tree from
broken branches and twigs
• Weather influences such as storms, hail, frost or intense
sunlight that lasts too long ( our bags come with UV protection as standard)
• Dogs that repeatedly urinate on the bag over a long period
of time
• Improper collisions with lawn mowers or robotic lawnmowers
• Fertilizer additives (depending on chemical composition)
• Winter services that produce snow (slush) on the sides of
the road pile up or sprinkle salt in large quantities.
• Rodents, maggots or larger wild animals looking for water
(usually only if it has been very, very dry over a long period of time)
• Vandalism (just to really summarize everything)
• Algae formation can occur after a very long time Use may
cause the two openings to become clogged.
• Dirty water and other contaminants during filling can also
ensure that the water does not drain properly or can even completely block the
Tips for a long service life:
It is best to use the bags only in the phases of the year when they are needed and then place them in a dry place after drying and cleaning so that no algae forms and the bag is protected. Avoid life-reducing conditions as far as possible. (see above)
It can happen that in times of intense heat, very little rainfall or drought, wild animals can no longer find drinking water. Their well-developed sense of smell tells them that there is water in the tree bags, and out of necessity they nibble at the bags. Small rodents in particular, such as mice, but also martens and foxes can get at the bags.
We have found a solution to prevent animal bites on the irrigation bags:
Place one or more small bowls on your property, which you fill as you fill the bags. This gives the animals easy access to water.
Tip: The bowls should be deep enough in the ground so that there is no overhanging rim so that even small rodents can reach the water to drink.
However, if it should happen that your tree bag gets holes, you can find instructions on how to repair the holes with a few simple steps using household utensils in our article "Repairing tree bags". Residual material patches and recycling patches as well as additional information on repairing tree bags can be requested from our customer support team.

In fact, the number of "green" bags, so-called irrigation bags, has increased significantly in recent years. And that is important and a good thing.
Climate change has caused the climate to change continuously in recent years. On average, it has become warmer almost everywhere in Europe, rainfall has decreased and dry periods are becoming noticeably longer. As a result, many plants and trees are suffering from an extreme lack of water, especially in the summer months. In many places, the mortality rate for urban trees has risen significantly, which is also due to the fact that city councils are increasingly reaching the limits of their resources when it comes to providing all trees with the necessary water due to the increasingly extreme climate situation.
Watering aids such as the baumbad watering bag can make a life-saving difference. The ease of use and practical design makes watering easier for councils, tree lovers and those of us who want to get involved in preserving urban trees.
Through a process called drip irrigation, water and a lot of time can be saved while keeping the soil around the trees moist for a relatively long period of time. Water seeps continuously into the root zone of the trees for several hours through small openings at the bottom of the filled tree bags. In this way, the health, resilience and vitality of our trees can be significantly increased. At the same time, by protecting and preserving them, we ensure that we can continue to benefit from the natural cooling mechanisms of urban trees in the future.
Baumbad already works with many cities and municipalities throughout Germany. Ask in your town or city whether tree bags are already being used there, whether there is the possibility of tree sponsorships and/or how citizens can get involved in saving the trees.
You are also welcome to contact our tree experts with any questions.

The capacity of a baumbad watering bag (75 or 100 litres) is designed for a tree circumference of up to 30 cm. This corresponds to a trunk diameter of approximately 9.6 cm. If a tree with a larger circumference/diameter is to be watered, we recommend the use of correspondingly more watering bags.
Circumference up to: 30 cm (diameter: 9.6 cm) = 1 tree bag
Circumference up to: 60 cm (diameter: 19.2 cm) = 2 tree bags
Circumference up to: 90 cm (diameter: 28.8 cm) = 3 tree bags
Circumference up to: 120 cm (diameter: 38.4 cm) = 4 tree bags
Every drop is important to fill a tree's water reservoir. Especially during long dry periods, you can do your tree a lot of good with the tree watering bags. How much water individual trees need varies from species to species. Large trees usually have a very well-developed root system that reaches deep into the earth, so that they can often find water deep down that is not accessible to younger trees.
It is therefore particularly important for new plantings to supply them regularly with sufficient water so that they can develop the appropriate roots. The area under the tree bag, which is kept constantly moist by drip irrigation, is particularly important.
We therefore recommend at least 75 litres (one full bag) but preferably 150 litres (two full bags) per watering cycle. For larger trees (and the use of several tree bags), all tree bags should be filled at least once.

Every tree is a living being and stores water - in its leaves, branches, trunk and roots. This is similar to living organisms. When these reservoirs are full, the plants can survive for a long time without additional water. When a tree's reservoirs are depleted, the first sign is usually that the leaves are drooping. If you have the opportunity, the tree should be given additional support or watered from this point at the latest.
The roots are the tool with which the trees absorb the water that is essential for survival. How far these roots reach depends, among other things, on the type of tree. As a rule of thumb, however, it can be said that the main root area can be estimated from the tree crown projected onto the ground. Where there is a shortage of water, the roots become longer and the trees move further apart. Most trees have another indispensable helper: mycorrhiza, a network of fungi in the soil. Through this symbiosis, these fungal threads increase the surface area of the roots enormously and thus also their catchment area.
Hilfe für Deinen baumbad Beutel
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Do you still have questions?
Just write to us and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, we have ourtree knowledge guide, with many other topics that might interest you.
Great idea, easy to use and everything is perfect from order to delivery.
Michael K.

Nurseries create life, we at baumbad protect life.
baumbad, official partner of the association of german nurseries.